NEOFIX NORMAL is isolation and construction PU foam, for the professional and handyman.
600 ml

- Information
- Technical Data Sheet
Description: NEOFIX NORMAL is a PU foam, filling and insulating, for professional and non-professional use.
How to use: Shake well before use. Remove the protective cover. Place the pipe (adapter) or gun on the valve. To apply the foam, turn the bottle upside down and press the nozzle or spray gun. Application temperature should be from +2°C to +30°C. It is not used in completely enclosed buildings. It is not used to close spaces over 4 cm. After 24 hours, the foam dries completely and can be cut, painted, glued and plasticized. After using the gun, it must be cleaned with “Gun Spray Cleaner”
Recommendations: Protect eyes and wear gloves during application. Cover the dishes with paper or plastic. In case of spillage, clean immediately with acetone.
Caution: Do not breathe on fresh foam vapors. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with clean water and seek medical help. In case of skin contact, wash with soap and water. In case of infection consult a doctor immediately. (Maybe you show him this label)
Contains: diphenyl methane 4,4-di-isocynate. Harmful for breathing. Irritating to eyes, skin and respiratory system.
Storage time: 12 months
Pressurized packaging: Exposure to temperatures above 50°C may cause burns. Do not spray near heaters and flames. Do not puncture or scratch the bottle.